
tlhIngan Hol jInmolmey vIchenmoH 'e' vItIv; DaqvamDaq tISam!

Welcome to, the website for my Klingon language projects!

tlhIngan SupghewwIj Dab bomwI' qa'! naDev lutvam DalaDlaH 'ej bommeyvam Da'IjlaH.

The flagship project is tlhev lut (The Story of tlhev), a paranormal musical scifi adventure about my haunted Klingon ukulele and the Klingon bard who used to own it. You can read the stories and listen to the songs by clicking on tlhev lut above.

qIb buQbogh nov Segh Huj'e' bop wab lutwIj qul toQ wo'. naDev yI'Ij!

In 2023, I produced Season 1 of the Klingon language audio drama qul toQ wo' (Phoenix Empire), which you can listen to by clicking on qul toQ wo' above. You can also listen to it on any podcast platform and with Klingon or English closed captioning on youtube. Season 2 is in progress!

mI'QeD Daghoj DaneH'a'? mI'tej jIH 'ej mI'QeD much ta vIchenmoH.

In my day job, I'm a mathematician, and I've started sharing that in Klingon with my mI'QeD much series on youtube: mI'QeD much: ghomaH

bIghaq DaneHchugh, qa'vIn HIje'!

If you'd like to donate to support my projects, you can Buy Me a Coffee. Become a subscriber and you get early access to videos and podcast episodes.


If you have questions or comments for me, send me an email at tlhevlut at gmail dot com.

I occasionally send email updates; sign up below if you want!